International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images
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Indexed in - Open Jgate, CNKI, Journal Guide
Index Copernicus Value (ICV 2016): 098.89

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International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images is an open access, monthly international online image journal that covers different strategies, while acts as the supporting cover among major classifications. Journal aims at publishing original artworks- Images on Clinical & Medical classifications; Presentations broadly classified as Power Point Presentations, Flow chart submission and e-posters; Case Blogs and graphical abstracts of highest quality and publishes the artwork at a short span of time and spreading of novel discoveries and interventions on:

Clinical: Cytology & Histology, Diagnostic method, Oncology, Immunology, Forensic imaging, Clinical case, Ophthalmology, Chemotherapy, Transplantation.

Medical: Radiology, Surgery, Diagnostic methods, Cloning and transgenesis, Dermatology, Neuroscience, Haematology, Dentistry, Gynaecology, Cardiology, Arthritis, Urology, Florescence Images, Medical Microbiology, Cytogenesis leading to Journal norms.

International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images images should refer to the instructions to authors and submit artworks through the online submission system.

The Journal accepts high quality artwork submissions at this context and publishes within a month if the artworks are accepted for publication.

Submit your contribution through https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/international-journal-of-clinical-medical-images.html


*2019 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2017 and 2018 with the number of times they are cited in 2019 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2017 and 2018, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2019 then, journal impact factor = Y/X