International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images
Instructions for Authors

High resolution images with description have to be submitted by the authors through Online Image Tracking System. Regardless of the source of word processing tool, only electronic PDF or Microsoft Word document files should be submitted through Image Tracking System. Authors should take all the responsibilities related to copyrighted image during the submission and publication process.

International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images includes articles from various fields. Journal intends to include the topics like Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Spine MRI, General Whole Body MRI imaging, MR Arthrography, Magnetic Resonance Cholangioancreatography (MRCP) but not limited to the below mentioned areas.

Journal accepts images related to Breast MRI, Chest MRI, Musculoskeletal MRI, Knee MRI, Shoulder MRI, MRI Prostate, MR Urography, MR angiography of limb vessels, MR venography, Cytology & Histology Images, Diagnostic method Images, Oncology Images, Immunology Images, Forensic science Images, Clinical case Images, Ophthalmology Images, Chemotherapy Images, Transplantation images etc.


Submit your contribution through https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/international-journal-of-clinical-medical-images.html

Terms of Submission

Only the unpublished Images with description should be submitted and are not currently under consideration by another journals.


Titles should be brief and should specifically describe the content of the image (max. 25 words)

Digital Image checklist

  • Images should be submitted in TIFF, PDF or PPT format only and limited to four individual files only
  • Description of Image should not exceed 150 words and should be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word Document only
  • Images should be captured at the following minimum resolutions: halftones and colour (all colour must be RGB) 100-200 dpi; combination halftones 350 dpi; line art 500 dpi to match the journal criteria
  • All illustrations to be provided as separate files while crop out any black or white spaces residing the image
  • Photographs, radiographs and other halftone images to be saved at the resolution of 300 dpi
  • Photographs and radiographs with text must be saved as postscript or at a resolution of at least 600 dpi

About Case Blog

  • Original blog write up not exceeding 300 words
  • Blogs related to broad spectrum of medical and clinical fields
  • Appropriate image to be attached along with the case blog
  • Citations/References (URL) should be mentioned properly


  • Considerable contrast is mandatory
  • Six words per line and six lines per slide to be embedded in the presentation
  • Bulletins have to be left justified
  • Keep font sizes consistent (Serif vs. San Serif), Font 48pt
  • HD images or photographs to be used
  • 30 slides per presentation are preferable
  • The author should verify that all multimedia material is embedded in the file

Graphical abstracts

  • A graphical abstract is a pictorial presentation of visual summary of the article. This can be the figure availed from the same article or represented from a different article or designed exclusively for the purpose.
  • A graphical abstract should support the readers to have a clear glance at the pictorial representation. As the graphical abstracts would be online, it can be intended to embolden browsing, promote scholarship and promote readers to avail similar abstracts for article write up.
  • Authors must contribute a high definition image that clearly depicts the work in the article. An adaptable figure can be included along with content and hence can be submitted as graphical abstract
  • Graphical abstracts to be submitted as a unique file in ET system choosing “Graphical Abstracts” from the drop down when theming to upload the article

Criteria’s to follow

  • Abstract heading for “Graphical Abstract” should be within the image file.
  • File type: preferred file types are TIFF, EPS, PDF or MS Office files.
  • Images should be captured at the following minimum resolutions: halftones and colour (all colour must be RGB) 100-200 dpi; combination halftones 350 dpi; line art 500 dpi to match the journal criteria

Author biography

Each submission should include a short biography, complete affiliation, Address, E-mail, Fax, Telephone number (active communication details)

All the supplementary material should not exceed 20 megabytes

Acknowledgement: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc

Author Withdrawal Policy

From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it. 

Changing one’s mind is an author’s prerogative. And an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 7 days of its initial submission.

If you have concerns or questions about it, please contact us for further discussion. We welcome your input.

Proofs and Reprints

Electronic proofs will be sent as an e-mail attachment to the corresponding author as a PDF file. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the content. With the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no changes will be made in the content at the proof stage. Authors will have free electronic access to all versions (HTML, PDF and XML) of their content. Authors can freely download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their work


Authors retain all the copy rights for the articles published in the International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images

All works published by International Journal of Clinical and Medical Images are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Artwork Charges

Artwork Types Processing Charges
Medical Image, Clinical Image € 1019
Case Blog, Case Report, Case Study, Power Point Presentations, € 1389