It is a replacement technique in tendon sport recovery. it's known through literature and clinical experience that EPI has positive effect on tendinopathy. By using Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-patellar tendon (VISA-P) scale we will appreciate the anatomical and functional recovery changes within the tendon which may be improved with EPI also as eccentric exercise. Damage to tendon is amid increase in oxidative stress, cell death and inflammation at the damaged area. the utilization of EPI technique which produces a galvanic current inside the tendon, with an acupuncture applicator, producing increase in necrobiosis, inflammation, and oxidative stress in earlier days of treatment. Later the recovery of tendon is quickly and better without EPI technique used. EPI Method this technique is an innovative technique which enables only denature and removal of the degenerated tissue by restoring the tendon naturally and regeneration and performance of sentimental tissue. The EPI system is employed to treat the foremost common soft tissue injuries and tendons including Achilles tendon, Palagi, Patellar tendon, Lateral and medical epicondyle, structure, Plantar fascia. The display device includes: one step within the treatment program, Console permanent display parameters, Present treatment programs, Touch controls, Intelligent control of security.

Intratissue percutaneous electrolysis (EPI) was developed by the Spanish surgeon Jose Manuel Sanchez-Ibanez, who specialises within the treatment of sports injuries. it's not yet authorised in France, but is employed in around forty countries, and therefore the athlete Raphael Nadal, for instance, has been treated with this system. Patellar tendon injuries are generally found on the insertional level at the attachment of the tendon at the inferior pole of the patella. it always presents with pain within the tendon, tenderness to palpation and anterior knee pain. Patellar tenopathy features a variable rate of prevalence and may reach 40 to 50% in sports like volleyball or people who involve jumping or braking. The important degenerative changes within the development of tendinopathy are significant. They'll even reach producing changes within the muscle ultrastructure after tendon rupture

Intratissue Percutaneous Electrolysis is an ultrasound-guided physiotherapeutic and medical technique that produces a non-thermal electrochemical ablation employing a cathode flow directly oriented toward the tendon degeneration. The EPI treatment causes an organic reaction that produces localized inflammation, exclusively within the treatment zone, that results in rapid regeneration of injured tendon.

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